Creating a "new" console using recycled electronics!

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Creating a "new" console using recycled electronics!

Post: # 7749Post Firedome »

Well, decided to install the recently moved Fisher Custom Electra IV amp & preamp/tuner into a smallish Ethan Allen HiFi cabinet (sold empty with no components) in the LR that we picked up a few years ago. I originally put my Scott amp in it, hid a small ADS speaker in one compartment and used the other one freestanding, and a Phillips TT in the lift-lid compartment (see 2 pics). The first pics are of the Fisher CE IV components after removed them and I cut down the control mounting panel then re-installed it ala a component so they'll fit concealed in the cabinet.

Lately the Scott and ADSs have been used in my "office" sitting on a dresser cabinet, while the living room EA cabinet houses the wife's tablecloth collection LOL! Our DuMont console is on another wall. The FIshers being "naked" kind of lend themselves to being concealed so it makes sense to stick them in the EA cabinet and use them with the Phillips TT.

For speakers, I'll use a pair of Klipsch-designed "Rebel V" kit speakers I was recently given that my late-lamented Uncle built around 1960, freestanding. He used them with a pair of McIntosh 30 tube amps and matching Mc preamp (my cousin got those, the lucky duck!) that he had originally mounted in an Early American louvered cabinet very similar to ours.

I'll post more details about the speakers themselves and a pic under "Components".

Hopefully the resulting "custom console" will sound nice while looking good to meet the wife's aesthetic requirements!
And Dave "MM" will get the CE IV cabinet, record player & speakers to rehouse his Fisher components needing a better!
ce4 002.JPG
ce4 001.JPG
EAcab 003.JPG
EAcab 002.JPG
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Re: Creating a "new" console using recycled electronics!

Post: # 7762Post electra225 »

I saved the guts out of an ugly GE stereo that I may try to repurpose to another cabinet. Thanks for sharing your project. I'm not normally in favor of modification, but I can't see perfectly good guts going to waste when a suitable replacement cabinet is available.
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Re: Creating a "new" console using recycled electronics!

Post: # 7780Post TC Chris »

electra225 wrote: Thu May 19, 2022 9:14 pm I saved the guts out of an ugly GE stereo that I may try to repurpose to another cabinet. Thanks for sharing your project. I'm not normally in favor of modification, but I can't see perfectly good guts going to waste when a suitable replacement cabinet is available.
I agree about disfavoring substitutions, but sometimes we get empty cabinets and the guts are gone, and then it seems reasonable to put them to good if not original use.

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Re: Creating a "new" console using recycled electronics!

Post: # 7791Post Firedome »

In this case Dave had a crappy cabinet he could replace with mine, and I had no room for another console, but did have a more compact cabinet that was being unused, so everything was re-purposed and nothing was lost.

Here's the 1960 kit outboard speakers my Uncle built that will be used with it, a good match I think (more details under "components".
RebV 001.JPG
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