Intro from and Ortho

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Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5803Post basilio »

"Hi, I'm Mitch and I'm a radio collector" "Hi Mitch"
So, I'm kind of doing this bass akwards, because I joined months ago, but got sidetracked by life. I initially was into shortwave radios and wooden uprights, but about 10 years ago I got an RCA New Orthophonic SHC-8 and fell in love. I picked up an RCA portable and then an SHF-4 and just love the floorboard rattling power of them (not on the level of a Maggie, but still). I do all my own restorations at this point, and seek help when out of my depth, especially in the area of modifications. I changed careers and move to northern Michigan 2 1/2 years ago, just in time to have it put on hold. Maybe I'll evangelize on Karmann Ghias, too...
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5805Post electra225 »

Welcome aboard, Mitch!

You have the disease, you know. But, the good news is, there is ALWAYS room for just ONE more! I own six Magnavox stereos. I started out buying one for a dollar at an auction. Then the MIL had one that had sat in our back bedroom for close to 30 years, serving as a stand to store comforters on. And so it goes. We love projects here, yours or ours. We love it when you share. We hope you'll do that often. :D :D
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5806Post William »

Welcome Mitch, and, it's good to have a fellow Michigander too. ;) :) Just so you know, we love photos too! :D :D

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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5815Post basilio »

Ok, pictures of a couple of my sets.
il_570xN.1210544959_7er3.jpg (44.55 KiB) Viewed 2938 times
SHF4 at Christmas
SHF4 at Christmas
RCA SHC802.jpg (177.38 KiB) Viewed 2938 times
ES-6-h portable
ES-6-h portable
es-6hopen.jpg (35.16 KiB) Viewed 2938 times
Airline 62-307
Airline 62-307
Zenith 9ho79
Zenith 9ho79
ze.JPG (145.34 KiB) Viewed 2938 times
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5825Post Firedome »

Hi, welcome, and glad to "meet" you!
Love that RCA, maple is my favorite wood.

We also do a lot of "car talk" here. Post some pics of yours please!
I have a couple vintage cars, and always wanted a Karmann Ghia cabrio! Let me know if you come across a solid restorable one at a decent price - really nice/restored ones are out of my league any more!

Enjoy your stay here!
Roger in NY
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5829Post basilio »

BTW, eagle eyed folks will note that the previous owner of the SHF-4 swapped out the RP-205 changer for a VoM 1297 series changer. Im not so disappointed, and will probably keep it that way...
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5831Post electra225 »

Would you care to identify the radio in your avatar?
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5834Post basilio »

My avatar is my Coronado C11A54 from Gambles-Skagmo department stores. It came with the house we bought 2 1/2 years ago, and sealed the deal for me.
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5837Post electra225 »

A Wells-Gardner built set? I particularly like the metal on the grill cloth. And I liked your collection. Thanks for sharing.... :D
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5838Post William »

Ok, now I am jealous. You have a Coronado floor radio. As a kid I started working for our Local Gamble Store when I was just under 14. I loved that job. Of course, that was in the 60's so SS was everywhere.

Does the one that looks like a Zenith have a changer? What brand is the other tall radio. I did notice the VM changer, but you also have one with a RCA changer. I now see one is a SHF-4 and one a SHC-8. I will never understand RCA model numbers. What's the difference between the two? They look the same?

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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5840Post TC Chris »

Another welcome from northern lower. I'm in TC and have an unfocused, eclectic collection of old electronics and cars and boats. Your devices are good-looking.

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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5841Post basilio »

William wrote: Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:17 am Does the one that looks like a Zenith have a changer? What brand is the other tall radio. I did notice the VM changer, but you also have one with a RCA changer. I now see one is a SHF-4 and one a SHC-8. I will never understand RCA model numbers. What's the difference between the two? They look the same?


Yeah, the Zenith has a changer, a "radionic" corbramatic 78rpm, plus two FM bands. The sideways console is a Montgomery Wards Airline with am/sw/police, and a belmont chassis. The SHF is mono, in '59 the SHC were stereo, but with an out of phase cartridge, which also messes up other stereo inputs, it seems.
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5847Post hermitcrab »

I know how you feel , I have a basement full of antique radios... now I am into consoles , problem is no one wants antique radios either... so I have little room for consoles ...Welcome to the forum!
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5849Post 19&41 »

That's a handsome group of sets. I always liked the Zenith "lectern" positioning of the radio. Former Michigander, current Georgian here. Welcome!
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5987Post Hydrolastic »

Hello Mitch, Welcome. Our family car was a 59 Karman Ghia it kept getting retired but the cars we got to replace it would quit and we were driving around again with the tan 59. We often ran out of gas and the little lever at your foot would give you another gallon. It had a clunk when your turned right the whole time. years later when I was helping my dads friend (Moony) replace the motor from the original 36 hp to the 1600 dual port we pulled out the cardboard liner to clean it. Behind it was a German beer bottle! that was the clunk... Hydro
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Re: Intro from and Ortho

Post: # 5989Post Hi-Fi-Mogul »

basilio wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:42 pm BTW, eagle eyed folks will note that the previous owner of the SHF-4 swapped out the RP-205 changer for a VoM 1297 series changer. Im not so disappointed, and will probably keep it that way...
Bienvenidos Mitch,
I was not going to ask about the V-M in the RCA.
But, I thought it was interesting that it was subbed.

I had an RCA 9-ES-6J portable that had the same
clamshell cabinet and color scheme as yours.
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