Greetings from Central IL

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Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2956Post macgolf »

As others have done, I migrated over to this forum from the prior forum. I was a relative newbie to that forum and always felt welcome as I do here. My username comes from my initials and another hobby of mine. My parents always had a console when I was growing up. The last and still surviving console is an Astro-Sonic unit w/TV. It is still in my moms basement where I helped move it last some 30 years ago. The tubes in the tuner section indicate dad bought it in 1970, when they bought their 1st house. It's been many years since it's been used but it's still complete. OK, I did "borrow" a couple of tubes for my equipment. :)

My console collection consists of a 62 Montgomery Wards w/SE ECL86 receiver and VM 1234 changer. A 63 Pilot 6B500 w/Garrard changer. The amp looks like a baby brother to the 232 and had console only availability. Like the amp, the pre/tuner is just labeled Model 500. It also has the optional 120 FM MPX. My favorite(so far :) is the console in my avatar. It's a Philco H-1916 which was TOTL for their 1960 catalog. PP 7189/7199 amplifier a 7025 pre and a RT-400 simulcast tuner. The changer is a Glaser-Steers. It has 2 satellite speakers(2 x 10 mid and swivel electrostatic tweeters) tucked in each top corner. Philco would be bought out of BK in December of 1961 by Ford.

Most of daily music enjoyment is provided by some 70's SS receivers and a Fisher 7189/12AX7 integrated. The consoles do weekend morning/evening duty especially during the winter. Most of my audio equipment was found through yard sales, estate sales, FB and CL. My Pilot console came from a FB ad that was posted about in the other forum. Haven't picked up a unit in the last 2 years but I still like to look at what's available locally.

I'd like to add my thanks to Greg for establishing this forum, and to those who contribute their knowledge and passion for audio.

1960 Philco H-1916
1962 Montgomery Wards
1963 Pilot 6B500
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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2957Post William »

Thanks for sharing, Mark. I really enjoyed getting to know you by your introduction. And, being located in Central Il. you are not all that far from me, and all the others located here in Michigan. Just so you know, I'm still jealous over your TOTL Philco. :) Please continue to share your toys, projects, and the things you spot that are available for sale. You never know, one of those items may follow you home, or one of us may decide to add it to our collection. :o :shock: ;) :roll:

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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2962Post Hi-Fi-Mogul »

Welcome aboard Mark.
Enjoyed reading your post.
This is indeed a friendly place.
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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2967Post electra225 »

Bill and Mr. Mogul said it better than I could.

I'm honored that you chose to join us and look forward to getting to know you better and sharing your projects.
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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2969Post back-2-mono »

Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
We're the friendliest bunch of hi-fi folks on the 'net!!
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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2972Post hermitcrab »

Welcome to the forum! ...sounds like you are into collecting cool mid century stuff... your in the right place...glad to have ya!
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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2978Post Firedome »

Hello! The more the merrier, have fun!
Roger in NY
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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2981Post Motorola minion »

macgolf wrote: Sun Nov 07, 2021 2:26 pm ...............the console in my avatar. It's a Philco H-1916 which was TOTL for their 1960 catalog. PP 7189/7199 amplifier a 7025 pre and a RT-400 simulcast tuner. The changer is a Glaser-Steers. It has 2 satellite speakers(2 x 10 mid and swivel electrostatic tweeters) tucked in each top corner. Philco would be bought out of BK in December of 1961 by Ford.......
Welcome, that Philco is pretty cool. I have the H-1814, which is all that crammed into a much smaller louvered cherry cabinet. It only cost $20 on CL but the satellite speakers were $120 on Ebay. I have not restored it yet.

Glad to have another owner of a rare Philco TOTL here!
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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2994Post SeniorSteve »

Mark, glad to have another member on here. All the responses here sum it up quite well, it's a fun place to be as well as a helpful place. It's fun to know what other members have as far as consoles. Your Philco sounds like an amazing unit.

Welcome to the forum!
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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 2995Post 19&41 »

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Re: Greetings from Central IL

Post: # 3033Post macgolf »

Thank you all for the warm welcome. It's great to share a small place on the web with like minded people who also share the same passion for consoles and classic audio.
Motorola minion wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:47 pm Welcome, that Philco is pretty cool. I have the H-1814, which is all that crammed into a much smaller louvered cherry cabinet. It only cost $20 on CL but the satellite speakers were $120 on Ebay. I have not restored it yet.

Glad to have another owner of a rare Philco TOTL here!
Congrats on the H-1814 and in a cherry cab! I'll bet it looks stunning. The satellites do seem to have separated from some consoles over time. If you picked up the pair sold a few months ago locally, I'm glad they went to someone needing to complete their console.

1960 Philco H-1916
1962 Montgomery Wards
1963 Pilot 6B500
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