For sale: new speakers

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For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20205Post electra225 »

I have several new, still in the box speakers I got when a Radio Shack store closed. I have several 8", several 6", 5", 4X10", the 3 1/2" speakers that go in the instrument panel of a 1970's Cadillac with stereo. Maybe some others. I have no idea what these are worth, so let's start at $20 apiece plus shipping. I have some used speakers I may sell later. I have way more than my needs, so maybe one of you guys could use them. Let me know what you'd like and we'll take it from there.
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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20239Post Hi-Fi-Mogul »

How about some impedance values for the speakers ?
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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20249Post electra225 »

Sorry, I got lazy. I'll get some specs and pictures and get them posted.
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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20253Post TC Chris »

Is that 4x10 a car-radio speaker? My Chevy has a long oval original speaker that I haven't removed in about 60 years. Seems to me it had a higher impedance than usual for the then-new transistor output. The original radio dos not have pushbuttons and is hybrid--tube RF, transistor output. Later I found a car-show pushbutton model that's all transistor, as I recall. That's the one that's in the dash now.

I probably need to put the original one back in and re-cap the pushbutton model, as it's sounding a but fuzzy these days. Maybe the speaker is cooked from decades in a sun-baked dashboard.

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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20255Post electra225 »

The 4X10's are car radio speakers. Allegedly. I say "allegedly" because they have fairly large magnets. They won't work in my Buick, since the radio sets too close to the speaker in the instrument panel. If your speaker is fairly remote from obstructions, these should work fine. I'll check the impedence and post results.
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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20287Post Dr. Radio »

Can you post some pictures Greg?
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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20292Post electra225 »

I got busy with other things and failed to get the pictures taken and posted. I will, though. I appreciate your patience. :oops:
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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20360Post electra225 »

4X10", 8 ohm, 10 watt
5X7", 4,8, 16 ohm 5 watt
6", 8 ohm, 5 watt, pincushion frame

3 1/2 car stereo speakers. Big GM cars from the late 1960's thru late '70's
5" round frame, 8 ohm, 10 watt

8" 8 ohm, 10 watt

I hope I got these posted right. Any questions, I'll do my best to answer.
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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20361Post Ken Doyle »

It was a joy having those speakers on the shelf at Radio Shack. I bought quite a few back in the 1970s, including a couple of those 4 X 10 speakers for the dashboard of my Rambler Americans.
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Re: For sale: new speakers

Post: # 20427Post hermitcrab »

Ken, just out of curiosity ... what is the depth of that 8" full range?
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