Greetings, friends.

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Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18642Post MorriSoft »

Hello to my fellow Audio enthusiasts and technicians.

I am based in the UK with a penchant for all things electrical and I thoroughly enjoy finding, servicing and keeping good equipment running, particularly anything of a HiFi nature.

I look forward to getting to know some of you better and hopefully I will be able to contribute just as much as I take from the forums. I do have a fair few Service Manuals and schematics I've acquired over time, ideally I'd like to upload these in due course.

I am currently working on several interesting pieces, if anyone happens to have any knowledge surrounding them I'd greatly appreciate any information.

-PS Audio PowerPlant Premier: (Relay click of death, common problem, not the first technician to look at this unit either, unable to obtain proper schematics, Service Manual is available, but a bit.. Lacking!)

-Kenwood RD-VH7: Everything functions perfectly after a full service and many dry solder joints reflowed, however, an issue with the display, while the backlight does function, nothing else is displayed. Big shame, as the sound is fabulous.

I am no doubt going to create a separate post for these should I continue to have problems, but until then I will toil onward.

Regards, Iain.
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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18646Post 19&41 »

Welcome, Iain!

Feel free to get acquainted with the site and meet the other members. We are a friendly group and are always willing to help.

Sincerely, Rex
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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18647Post William »

And from me, (Bill) I send my welcome too. Like 1941 said, jump in and take a look around.

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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18657Post electra225 »

Welcome from me as well! Feel free to jump in and join us often. Feel free to post schematics and service documents on Downloads as well. There are instructions on format and that on that extension. If you have questions or comments, I am at your service via Private Message. Again, welcome aboard! We hope you enjoy the forum! :D :D
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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18673Post MorriSoft »

Rex, Bill, Electra.

Many thanks to you all for the warm welcome, much appreciated. 8-)

Looking forward to hunting down my first properly classic receiver in due course and will no doubt update you all in time, they certainly don't make them like they used to.
While most of my experience thus far is with 80s & 90s equipment, I'm ready for something 60s or 70s as a new challenge for me, will be sure to check through the forum for ideas. :)


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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18674Post electra225 »

Most of our members collect and restore record players and related audio equipment of all types. I collect tube Magnavox console stereos, with a smattering of smaller record players mixed in. A friend recently "heired" me his collection of GE "Trimline" stereos, one of which I am currently redoing the Tolex on. You might follow that process in the "Cabinets and Grille Cloth" board here on the forum. I have redone the Tolex on a Magnavox record player, a model TP-241 and a little Truetone that I got new for Christmas in 1959. Those projects are also here on the forum, electrically in the Record Players board and cabinets in "Cabinets and Grille Cloth". Others here have documented their projects and have posted their schematics and service information in "Downloads" that you can access in the navbar under the header on a PC, in "Quick Links" if you are using a cellphone or a smaller device. We also have boards featuring radios and even a few TV chassis if you have interest there. Our forum is blessed with some of the premier changer repair experts that you will find on the Internet. Our "changer guys" really know their craft and are all too happy to talk the less experienced member thru a changer. I believe you will find our forum a friendly, helpful place to go for information and fellowship and just a neat place to hang out. We don't practice snark and criticism. We encourage the preservation and enjoyment of old things, and even branch out into old cars, since many on our forum have an old car hanging around, so be sure to check out "Our Other Toys" farther down on the home page. We have "Getting Started" and "Suppliers..." that provide helpful information as you progress thru a project. So, please make yourself at home and avail yourself of the various features and also feel free to contribute whatever you have that you would care to share with the forum, it will be most welcome. And, if you have an issue or a question, feel free to contact a moderator or yours truly via Private Message, located at the top of the home page, in the navbar, next to your signature.

Oh, and pardon my poor manners. I'm Greg, and am glad to make your aquaintance..... ;)
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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18675Post TC Chris »

As one whose electronics interests span the eras from the 1920s to the present, I look forward to hearing about your experiences, Iain. In the last few decades audio has gone in two directions--one is toward complexity, with microprocessor chips that can do all many of clever things while they are working, and the other toward simplicity, with basic little triode amps and idler-wheel turntables back in favor.

I can usually stumble through diagnosis and treatment of simple-device ills, but the complex devices pose a real challenge for those of us without extensive test equipment and even more extensive knowledge. I've got a Sansui AU-717 with protection-circuit issues, and a TU-317 with a mysterious hum on stereo only.

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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18710Post hermitcrab »

Welcome to the forum!
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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18753Post Motorola minion »

We are happy to have you Lain, our preference here is for valve (or tube) equipment of all types and national origins!

I recall visiting UK with my AM-FM portable when I was 12, getting police calls on FM 99Mc and higher. The LW band is not used in the states and AM has little music anymore compared to FM and sky satellite.

For record changers, I raise a toast to the UK for giving us all the BSRs, Collaro, Garrard and Magnavox!!!! Most of us enjoy working on those models along with US-made Webcor, Glaser-Steers, Voice of Music, RCA Victor and a few others.

Most of us have the usual US manufacturers of equipment, also familiar with much of the 1950s-early 60s German consumer electronics but lack much on the brands sold in the UK :?:

I do know the Capehart name was applied to a fashionable British-made console I saw once. :roll: but couldn't repair.
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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18770Post TC Chris »

Motorola minion wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:24 pm I recall visiting UK with my AM-FM portable when I was 12, getting police calls on FM 99Mc and higher. The LW band is not used in the states and AM has little music anymore compared to FM and sky satellite.
LW was, and maybe still is, used for some locating beacons for aircraft and marine navigation. My old marine Radio Direction Finder radio has a LW band and a couple years back I could still hear a beacon beeping out its Morse code identifier. The old RDF is still in use on the local sailboat, not for direction finding but for it FM band--my entertainment system. Most directional work was done using AM broadcast stations, with transmitting antenna locations marked on navigational charts both as a visual reference and for use when you had an angle from the RDF. I have been meaning to play around with the RDF and local AM stations some day but always end up sailing instead.

Toward the end of the RDF era some of the high end consumer units were automated. A motor would rotate the sensing antenna back and forth through the peaks and nulls until it was right on. My units are both manual, which frankly seems good enough. The energy required to rotate the antenna is less than that required to lift a cup of coffee.

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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 18772Post Hydrolastic »

Hello Lain, Welcome . Would like to see some British tube amps. Here is one of my British cars. Hydro, Part of Hydrolastic
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Re: Greetings, friends.

Post: # 22290Post chazglenn3 »

Welcome Iain!
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