Dog 'N Suds

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Dog 'N Suds

Post: # 22243Post electra225 »

Who woulda thunk it? ;) :oops: :roll: :lol:

Dog 'N Suds still exists! They have 20 locations around the country. I had no idea they were still around. Every town of any size had a Dog 'N Suds franchise back in the day. All the cute girls worked at the Dog 'N Suds. Parents kept a sharp eye on the place. The back row at ours was tree-lined and shady. Lots of "pitchin' woo" was going on at the back row of the Dog 'N Suds. The place smelled like Ben-Gay and dirty sneakers, the basketball boys hung around there. Some of them didn't have a car. I don't know what it was will the ball boys. They were perfectly content to ride around in their mom's station wagon. Most other kids, particularly boys, wouldn't want to be seen dead in their mom's station wagon. Lots of fond memories of that place.... ;)
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