Cookies and cache

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Cookies and cache

Post: # 22152Post electra225 »

I'll try to explain this as best I can. Since the migration there has been considerable hand-wringing about connection issues, particularly the old "incorrect form. Try submitting again" error message.

I have advised, REPEATEDLY, that everybody needs to clear the cookies and cache on their browser as a first step in correcting this issue. This is a maintenance procedure that nobody does. I hadn't done it in almost 30 years. Doing this will not only help with connection issues, it also unloads your computer of unnecessary files that can slow it down.

Let's put this in terminology that we should all be familiar with. Let's say that this forum, and every website you visit, can be considered to be the station. Your browser is the tuner. Your computer device is the radio. When you visit any website, it sends out cookies to your browser so all your presets and selections you choose are the same each time you visit. The browser then uses these little bits of memory when you "tune in to" or log onto a website or forum. Then the computer device uses these tidbits of memory when it does its thing.

Occasionally, for reasons only a computer or someone who knows a LOT more about this than I do would know, the cookies on your server become the problem, a hinderance to connection, rather than an asset. You need to clear the cookies and cache on your browser occasionally and let new cookies take over that the websites you visit can use. People feel that needing to perform this procedure represents a flaw in the website they are accessing. The fact is that you picked up a cookie somewhere, who knows where, that the forum or website doesn't like. So it interrupts connection. Clearing the cookies and cache will get rid of the offending cookie, in fact it will remove ALL cookies, then it all starts over again. Sometimes you don't have to clear cookies and cache for quite some time. Other times, you have to do it more frequently. One issue I should mention is that the server we use now is pretty secure. Mark is big on security. So it may be more picky about cookies than the old server was. I try to clear the cache and cookies once a month. I have to reset my YouTube videos and all the settings on forums. Better than not being able to access them. There has been a lot of harsh talk by members of this forum because they have to clear their cookies and cache when they never had to do it before, or on any other forum. I don't know what to tell you on that. Lets just work together, clear our cookies and cache before we get excited. If this procedure is done, thoroughly, and you still have issues, let me know. We'll work it out.
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