Multiplex adapter, Suspension springs, Molex connector

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Multiplex adapter, Suspension springs, Molex connector

Post: # 13281Post electra225 »

I could use a good Multiplex adapter, the stand-alone kind. I'm not picky about brands, it just needs to be usable. I expect one may need a tune-up which is fine. I don't care if it is missing a tube. Let me know what you have and thank you.

I can also use three suspension springs for a Collaro changer.

And a Molex connector for power to the changer. The one that plugs into the changer.
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Re: Multiplex adapter, Suspension springs, Molex connector

Post: # 14019Post electra225 »

Gary at VM Enthusiasts does not have a Molex connector like I need. I don't want to hard wire the changer. Does anybody have one they would part with? I'm pretty much done with this project until I get this figured out. Thanks for any help you can give. These Molex connectors might be a good 3-D printer project.
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Re: Multiplex adapter, Suspension springs, Molex connector

Post: # 14022Post Hi-Fi-Mogul »

electra225 wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:30 pm Gary at VM Enthusiasts does not have a Molex connector like I need. I don't want to hard wire the changer. Does anybody have one they would part with? I'm pretty much done with this project until I get this figured out. Thanks for any help you can give. These Molex connectors might be a good 3-D printer project.
How about a photo of that male molex plug ?
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Re: Multiplex adapter, Suspension springs, Molex connector

Post: # 14023Post electra225 »

I took this with my phone. Not the best quality, so I apologize for that.
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Re: Multiplex adapter, Suspension springs, Molex connector

Post: # 14362Post Hi-Fi-Mogul »

You need the male plug end, correct ?

Please note the plug in the photo is keyed.

Does it exactly match your female receptacle with
same key and wiring color sequence ?
S600 Motor AC Plug-1.JPG
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Re: Multiplex adapter, Suspension springs, Molex connector

Post: # 14382Post electra225 »

I have everything piled up in the shop right now. Thanks for your response, Mr. Mogul. Let me get a minute to go out and check. I THINK that is the right plug, but let me check for sure. :D
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