Philco SS 1966 - P1755? missed at habitat

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Philco SS 1966 - P1755? missed at habitat

Post: # 14245Post Motorola minion »

I was glad to see it gone after a week, I don't NEED more rescues BUT..... every Philco I get wind of must be investigated for Philco TOTL status. That is how I snagged two of them (1959 Phonogram V and 1960 3-ch), that I have yet to restore.

I was cautious looking it up in Sams after getting my chain tugged by another Philco console I said I would buy before seeing what a lightweight it was. The only notable was finding 1965 and 1966 console brochures in bin for record storage :) This model was called a "Cornwallis" or something like that and boasted 100 watts. My guess is that this one may have worked, thus sold itself :D :lol: I like happy endings
P-1755 100 watts.jpg
P-1755 receiver-amp.jpg
Below is the lightweight SS Philco I bought, tuned up and then donated to H4H Restore.
Philco Q1747 under hood 1.jpg
Philco Q1747 under hood 1.jpg (87.11 KiB) Viewed 1052 times
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Re: Philco SS 1966 - P1755? missed at habitat

Post: # 14303Post macgolf »

It's nice when a console can sell itself in a higher traffic area. Good on you for also refurbishing and donating another to a worthwhile cause. I donate to our local Restore and also did a stint of volunteering there. That was maybe 10 years ago while on an extended furlough. We had a number of consoles go through there during that 3-4 month time span. Not being interested at the time, I don't recall what manufacturers they were.

Keeping my eye open for SS Philco's especially if I can find one bearing the Philco-Ford label. IIRC the 1st to carry that designation would have been 1966. My father ran the Parts Departments for 2 Ford dealerships from the mid 60's through the early-mid 80's. I had Philco's in my early cars. I feel fortunate to have a 1960 that was probably being put together about the same time I was.

Still searching for a Predicta to add to the Philco family. One can dream, can't they? :)

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Re: Philco SS 1966 - P1755? missed at habitat

Post: # 14304Post William »

I found a curb side Philco like the second one Motorola Minion posted. It was MCM cabinet in good shape. The owner had passed away and the family cleaned out the house and a lot of stuff went curb side. All I did to my find was give it a good bath, apply some Howard's, clean the controls, go thru the changer and install a new drive tire. I ended up selling it to a friend for just what I had into it which the 40 bucks for the drive tire. They are thrilled having it and the family listens to it often. The fact that they use it thrills me to pieces.

Mark, I know someone who has a Philco Preditca that they might sell. The next time I see them I will ask if they still have it and let you know.

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