WTB a Magnavox emblem

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WTB a Magnavox emblem

Post: # 12885Post electra225 »

Like the one in the grille cloth of Magnavox stereo consoles. I could work with one that has one of the mounting tabs broken, and could even work with one broken in two parts, as long as the parts were there. Let me know what you have and thanks.
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Re: WTB a Magnavox emblem

Post: # 12895Post electra225 »

No joy on ARF, either. Looks like I need to see if Tres can do 3D printing. Maybe he can make some. I think I can make the tabs that stick thru the grille so I can attach it.
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Re: WTB a Magnavox emblem

Post: # 12907Post Firedome »

Hello from Treasure Beach Jamaica, where the I-net works about 50% of the time so mostly I don't bother. It's nice being off-line, but
sort of challenging for our daughter to run her business from here. I'd never own a business, you're never away from it.

Anyhow I may have another $3 Maggie badge, I have a bunch of various badges still. Will be home in 8 more days and will check it out,.

Meantime I'm busy drinking Red Stripe on the beach at the tiny local "Inn", surrounded by colorful old fishing boats and super friendly local folks...I love the people here...listening to the reggae music, enjoying life, a cold Red Stripe or rum, Jamaicans know how to live, it's a lot like New Orleans, but on steroids; music, fun and good food rules. Went out last night to hear a local reggae band a guy that our daughter knows here plays in..wow, fabulous!
Pic of daughter, grandson. wife, and me in a Jamaica state of mind.
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Re: WTB a Magnavox emblem

Post: # 12911Post electra225 »

Looks like a fine time is being had by all there, Roger! If you have a Magnavox script, we can sure do business when you get home. I have one of your badges on the Stereo Theater, if you remember. Stay safe....... :D :D
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Re: WTB a Magnavox emblem

Post: # 12913Post TC Chris »

The very picture of "laid-back!"

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Re: WTB a Magnavox emblem

Post: # 13050Post Firedome »

Well as promised I checked my storage pile... I got Garrard, WE, GE, Westinghouse, and Motorola... but no Maggie's to be found, sorry about that!
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Re: WTB a Magnavox emblem

Post: # 13058Post electra225 »

Thanks Roger, I sent you a PM asking about it. You can disregard. Thanks for checking. :D

The search is on....... ;)
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