Philco J1630 Stereo "The Oratorio"

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Philco J1630 Stereo "The Oratorio"

Post: # 10087Post Hi-Fi-Mogul »

Well, Dave1138 and I installed the amp and changer
back into this 1960-61 Philco today.
All went well. The owner really likes it.
There was all the original paperwork with it.

I had discovered that the Glaser-Steers changer was a
simpler model that did not have the platter stop
action while the record was dropped down the spindle.

It had an EV-26 phono cart, as seen in Magnavox models,
but I put in a new ceramic Pfanstiehl P-226.
Both have same output voltage.

Later this month, a nice young lady has a 1966
small Catalina all tube console. It was originally bought
from White's Applicances, which was a regional
chain, way back when.

It will be interesting, as each channel
only has a 50C5 output.
It comes with a V-M changer, and a one tube FM
stereo adapter chassis.
Philco J1630.jpg
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Philco Manual2.png
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Re: Philco J1630 Stereo "The Oratorio"

Post: # 10090Post William »

Nice job, guys. You two work well together saving one console at a time which is much better than the landfill option.

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Re: Philco J1630 Stereo "The Oratorio"

Post: # 10099Post electra225 »

#2 what Bill said.... :D :D
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Re: Philco J1630 Stereo "The Oratorio"

Post: # 10161Post Motorola minion »

It's great to see Philco's lost HiFi's. 1959-61 designs were the last of their great tube models, AFAIK.

I had a 1962 K1638 console, single-ended 6BQ5 and 12AX7 preamp on a single receiver chassis. It was a 3-channel stereophonic with black VM changer, where the bass channel OPT was connected between B+ and the L+R output transformers. Sounded sweet like a German radio but did not get very loud.
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